There is currently pocketless towards Telia network from Västberga ( and datacenter. We’ve notified upstream transits who are looking into it.
If necessary we’ll disconnect Cogent temporarily to re-route traffic until it has been fixed, we’ll keep monitoring for now.
Update: Traffic for Västberga has been re-routed away from Cogent during the duration of the packetloss.
Outage 2024-08-12
According to our provider, tonight’s outage was extraordinary. More information about the outage can be found here:
In short, both A and B power went down due to an issue in the data center. We are following up with them and will send out more information once the data center operator updates us on what went wrong.
The incident started around 20:45. Adminor’s virtual services were back online after a cautious restart between 21:00 – 21:30. SAN (storage) came back immediately after the power was restored (primary + backup in Västberga). Some services may have taken longer due to fsck checks and other factors, but efforts were made to restore everything as quickly as possible.
We monitored the situation overnight, reactivated Adminor’s replications for backups, and assisted customers in restarting their physical servers where there were issues.
When: 2024-08-12 20.45 – 21.30
Where: Västberga Datacenter
Impact: Outage
Packetloss VB-B15 link
Packetloss was detected on inter-datacenter link. This was caused by a faulty fiberpatch in one of the locations.
The patch at VBDC was replaced and optics inspected.
Impact: 00.00 – 09.00 Minor packetloss on link, not causing outage notifications .
Redundancy was degraded during troubleshooting 14.00 – 15.00. No impact on service.
Resolved 15.10.
Expanded capacity Västberga
We’ve added a secondary storage platform to our hosting in Västberga. This will increase local failover capacity and speedup recovery incase of storage outage.
This improvement is for our VB VM hosted customers.
Emergency maintenance
Core switch reboot was performed 01.30 – 01.35 due to memory leak (stack bug).
A tentative fix is the reboot and to avoid causing the ACL conflict which led to the memory leak.
At 04.00 – 04.05 another test was made to replicate the issue. The issue has most likely been found and a new fix has been applied.
Longterm solution will be to replace this switch line with new core routers , Juniper MX204.
VMWare slutar tillhandahålla fria utvärderingslicenser
VMWare som sålts till Broadcom slutar nu tillhandahålla fria licenser för utvärdering och labb. Läs mer på
Adminor kan hjälpa till att migrera last från VMware till andra moln, t.ex. Proxmox eller Hyper-V. Kontakta oss så hjälper vi gärna till.
Vill man själv migrera virtuella VMware maskiner till PRoxmox kan man göra detta genom att följa stegen på denna blogg.
Nya allmänna villkor / New general terms of service
Adminor has published new General Terms of Service. These will come into effect on Jan 1st 2024.
Biggest change is implementation of Labour Cost Indexing in section 8 (for 2024 it is 3%) for our services due to changes at our providers. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your point of contact with Adminor.
New prices for our webhosting packages
Due to inflation we’ve adjusted our pricing for our webhosting packages at but we’ve also decided to massively increase included webhosting space to make up for these changes!
Network dip (upstream transit)
At roughly 19.15 CET a network dip was detected due to an issue at a transit operator.
Traffic was automatically re-routed (BGP network re-calculation).
Switch reboot
At 14:45 a core switch rebooted. This caused intermittent connection failiure between our two DC’s until paths were rebalanced. All traffic restored ca 14:55 .